Death of X #2

If you’re not interested in seeing one of your favorite mutants get ruined, at least the art is top-notch.

Infamous Iron Man #1

Bendis and Maleev are creating a rich and wonderfully complex scenario for Doom that could either allow him to be the hero or villain, and that is just how you want a comic with Doom in it

Violent Love #1

Violent Love is a book that focuses on the recklessness of human beings and the consequences of actions driven by emotions rather than clear thinking.

Kill or be Killed #3

[Kill or be Killed] reflects the best parts of classic pulps, paperback crime novels, and noir films combined with hefty doses of originality in plot and storytelling.

Reborn #1

Reborn is an interesting continuation of Mark Millar’s recent foray into bigger more challenging ideas, anchored by Capullo’s art.