Hellboy in Hell #10

Hellboy in Hell will be missed. Mignola and Stewart have been at the height of their game and giving us a healthy dose of the good old days mixed with a masterful evolution of their collective style.

Jupiter’s Legacy 2 #1

This book is a true collaboration and it shows that the creators are working from their favorite ideas and concepts. Each member of the creative team is responsible for the overall storytelling, and in this case we’re in good hands. Jupiter’s Legacy is back!


By Pierre Wazem, Frederik Peeters, and Albertine Ralenti; translated by Samantha Demers Koma is, in every sense of the word, a wonder. An empowering and…


By Sylviane Corgiat and Corrado Mastantuono If you’re in the U.S.A. and want to get your hands on some overseas comics, you can’t go wrong…


In an industry dominated by superhero comics, it’s refreshing to see books like this on the new release rack. Demons, blood and guts, and beer!