On Thursday, July 18th, a devastating fire burned down Kyoto Animation’s 1st Studio Building, claiming the lives of 35 people and hospitalizing 33 more. The…
2019 marks the centennial anniversary of the Yuri genre, celebrating 100 years of girls in love challenging the expectations placed upon them by patriarchal definitions…
Last week we sadly lost two influential mangaka whose works have become cultural institutions. Kazuhiko Kato, more popularly known by his pen name Monkey Punch,…
On this episode of Manga Mavericks, Colton once again enlists the help of Shonen Sunday Enthusiast, Bomber D Rufi, to help cover a Thanksgivings portioned…
We’re taking a short break from Shonen Jump-related podcast to talk about a creator celebrating a special 50th anniversary milestone – Go Nagai! 2018 is…